Roasted toasted squash



1/2 butternut squash

1 tsp cumin seeds

2 tsp black roasted sesame seeds

2 tbsp coconut oil for roasting


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas mark 4. Cut the squash across in to slices that are around 1/2 inch thick. Melt the coconut oil, then add to the squash in a roasting tray. Sprinkle on the cumin and sesame seeds. Mix well ensuring all the squash is coated in oil and seeds. Roast in the oven for 30-40 minutes, or until gently browned. These are delicious and  loved by my baby and 3yr old. They are also great portable snacks to take out, once cooled.

The sesame seeds add a boost of vitamins and minerals. Be mindful if your child has a peanut or tree nut allergy as many people with nut allergies can also be allergic to seeds, including sesame. I use sesame seeds all the time as a fabulous source of protein, they can be used whole or in the form of tahini. I have recently discovered the black roasted variety and I’m totally addicted !

First foods

Ideas for first foods include, steamed apple and pear quarters, they are also yummy roasted in the oven and sprinkled with cinamon. A reliable staple of ours is carrots roasted in oil (I use rapeseed or coconut) sprinkled with cumin seeds-both my children also adore sweet potatoes and pumpkin/butternut squash cooked this way, the sweetness of the veg works beautifully with the warm earthiness of the the cumin, utterly delicious ! Steamed broccoli and cauliflower trees are perfect for little hands as long as they are well cooked. Banana sticks, rounds of cucumber, pineapple rings, mango wedges, melon slices (watermelon is easiest) are all great starter foods-just a little preparation and you are good to go, big chunks all the way means they are easy to pick up (with practice!) and safest. Its quite normal for babies to gag at first as they are learning new textures and to move food to the back of their mouths, always stay with your baby when they are eating. As its winter I’m using lots of the delicious root vegetables on offer, they are perfect for little hands and beautifully sweet when roasted.

Starting your weeny weaner


Starting off

Baby led weaning is super easy, far less faff than pureeing, but you need to know it is messy ! I had forgotten quite how messy it was, and found starting weaning the second time around much more difficult to get going with. The mess was a bit overwhelming, I did learn to embrace it quickly, there was no other way ! Washable cloths, kitchen towel, long sleeved and wipe clean bibs have become essential. I’ve now given into a quick blast of the hoover and a swish of the steam mop after meals to keep the floors and me looking happy. Mess is inevitable, it’s also what baby led weaning is all about, your baby learning about food through exploring different tastes, textures and most importantly enjoying the experience. There was nothing more rewarding than watching my son chow down different foods with a voracious appetite. It’s given him the best start and has laid the foundation for what I hope will be a healthy relationship with food for the rest of his life. I’m excited to watch my daughter get going with food-she can at 7 months pick up foods really well and chomp foods offered to her. Spaghetti and noodles are favourites-she shovels them in and sucks up the rest !A joy to watch ! Lots of my friends choose to give their children a mixture of purees and finger foods-if this approach suits you rather than going completely baby led then I would encourage you to keep trying new finger foods to offer alongside purees. You’ll be amazed how quickly your baby will develop the necessary skills to self feed.


Tommee Tippees are fab starter cups, cheap and readily available, I also love the NUK first choice learner bottle. Both have free flow spouts which are best for babies learning to drink. Prolonged use of bottles, particularly at night time can lead to dental caries. I started offering cups to both my babies at around 4/5 months. At that age they definitely need help and with practice will quickly learn how to lift the cup and get it to the right place ! My daughter could independently use her cup at 6 months. They do get a bit wet but nothing a good bib can’t handle. Grab your tools and go !